Fear is not my option

As we approach this deadly season of this epidemic in our world at large(coronavirus ) one can say that it is very fearful to many of us, but if you know a word of encouragement to encourage someone else please do so. Forgiveness is the paradigm in this season, dealing with family members you have not handled well, settling of disagreements, etc. Now is the time to tell that story to remove that barrier of fear, of success. Imaginations won't work anymore this season requires complete action steps to achieving love in your life. Love of self, of others and most of all the Love of God. Love covers all things, it is the message that we need now more than ever. Some will go without food, some will lose jobs, companies will close down and some will be forced to die in shame. What are you doing that will shift the virus fro attacking your family, friends, loved ones and state of mind? Are you doing self-care? Are you doing prayers? Are you communicating better? What are your action steps? I remember when Moe died I was so alone, fear gripped my heart what would happen to me, what would others think of me or say about me. I felt so lost and depressed, even when people were around I still felt alone, to the point where I had lost myself, asking all these questions to my self what if had done this would he still be alive, what if I had said that would he still be alive, but eventually, I've come to realize that it is the will of God. Now 2020 I've learned how to master self-care by taking small staycations. Spending more time with friends and family Dining out and in Doing meditation more, now that you have learned a bit about my story The moral of this story is do not be afraid of anything no matter what you are seeing around you, the will of God must be completed.
