Why am i hurting ?

Have you not yet heard, have you not yet seen that you have what it takes to do better not bitter.
could you imagine for one minute living in Hollywood with all the celebrities how you would feel? 
can you think for one moment how you would feel if you travel to Paris to France to  Africa to see the beautiful landscape of these great countries & continent? can you simply image how you would feel to have enough money that you don't need to worry about your tomorrow?

Now would you rise with more intentions or you would sleep in late and eat and be lazy?
Of course not , you enjoy the luxury lifestyle so, therefore, you must rise with intentions, the desire the will to passionately move your self from the norm to doing something even greater so you can maintain, it may take years, it may take weeks but believe you me you will get there if you only believe. 

DO not wait for anyone rise because you know what your desires, dreams, and goals are and as you patiently grow in line remember you will get to the cash register soon enough by simply just moving along at the pace of the line. 
don't become ignorant or impatient, or self-absorbs in other things around you but instead stay the course so that you can see when the line is moving forward and you can move right along with it. 
